NC Design Online article: Designing for now and later

I was recently approached by NC Design Online and asked to help with an article they wanted to do. The subject matter they wanted to focus on is an important one: How to design a home that will meet your needs now and in the future. This is an issue that constantly needs to be addressed with each new home design and remodel. Every homeowner has their own priorities that regulate the design of their home. Managing these requirements into a home that satisfies not only immediate family needs but ...

Open Spaces – Interactive Living

Now that our kitchens are more open and used as central areas of activity we have decided that the connecting spaces need to be part of that as well. It all started with the "Keeping Room" which was a part of the kitchen, usually with a fireplace. I'm sure some of us still have these and they are wonderful spaces for casual living, but at some point it was decided that we didn't need two rooms that did the same thing! The Family Room became the Great Room since the Living Room got doors and ...

Islands in the Kitchen – Not just for Cooking Anymore

The kitchen has been evolving since we started cooking inside. At one time it was not even connected to our house but now has become the center of family activity. Food is a magnet for social gathering so it makes sense that our lives revolve around the kitchen and the island is the hub. Just as what we do in the kitchen has changed the use of the island has changed as well. No longer is it just for food preparation; it can be a buffet, a conference table, a workstation spot for the kids to ...

Design Trends of 2012

While some trends seem like they just appear suddenly on the scene, most have been evolving in the background for some time. From the "Living Room" to the "Study" and formal spaces to more open concepts, design trends have shown that people want a more casual and practical home environment. Over the next few weeks I will focus on a few of the more obvious examples: Islands in the Kitchen, not just for cooking anymore Open spaces, interactive Living Small spaces with large purpose Simp...


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